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2 posts tagged with "startup"

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· One min read

Dažnai girdime apie verslo sprendžiamą problemą, turimą viziją, misiją ir principus. Bet kaip juos atskirti. Radau tokį visai įdomų skirtumų aprašymą:

  • Vision, mission and principles drives behaviours

  • Problem - Why do you need to do anything? (Problem in the world, who experiences it, why it’s important and why you feel compelled to fix it?)

  • Vision - Where do you want to go? (How would the world be different in 20-30 yrs if you do that)

  • Mission - How you will achieve that? Gaols, today’s reality and immediate actions?

  • Principles: What fundamental beliefs in your philosophy and worldview built on?

· One min read

Kelios mintys, kurias užsirašiau iš susitikimo su investuotoju Hong Konge:

  • Better be lucky than good.
  • Make friends, and remember them
  • There are more people to help you, than don’t help
  • There are more stupid answers than questions
  • Show instead of words
  • Persuade others that idea is good, not just because you think it’s good
  • Quit full time job, before asking investment from specific investors
  • Have co-partner
  • Have co-work space open 24/7, AC - on.
  • Seed money -> free money: yours, friends’, etc.
  • Accelerator - environment (dropbox, amazon services provided etc)
  • There are lots of investors - Angel Investors, unds, etc. If one said no, other can say yes.