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One post tagged with "citatos"

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· One min read

The Grass Isn’t Greener On the Other Side, It’s greener where you water it.

If you have the wrong thing, and then you automate it - you’re doing the wrong things faster.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” Stephen Covey

"Don’t touch your phone - it’s training you to be distracted."

“The inbox is nothing but a convenient organizational system for other people’s agenda for your life” Brendon Burchard

Why products suck? There's no clear audience for the product, it doesn't solve a problem, it lacks differentiation, or its simply inferior to the mass supply of similar products available online (probably at cheaper prices).  Sam Owens

"Most of the time you don't need more information, you need more courage." James Clear

"Negalime sutikti Dievo nenukryžiavę savo ribotų minčių apie dievą, kuris atspindi mūsų supratimą apie visagalybę ir galią." (Popiežius Pranciškus)

"Dievas yra. Atsipalaiduok. Jis - ne tu."